Stylish and easy to use
4 DMX recall scenes with up to 512 independent channels of DMX control per scene
Manual dimming up and down of each scene available via DIL switch option on rear panel
Simple to programme from any DMX lighting desk or controller
Selectable fade rate between scenes of: 2.5, 20,40,60 seconds
External recall of each scene via screw terminals (0 volt contacts as used in cinema projection automation systems)
1 x RJ45 socket for DMX output and power supply in (+5V @ 50mA)
Standard house finishes: textured white and mark resistant brushed stainless steel
Up to 3 Anyscene 512 panels may be used in the same system, however the first 2 panels in the system must be our 2 gang models as they have 2 x RJ45 sockets fitted. This single gang model has only room for 1 x RJ45 socket and must be used at the end of line.
Fits into standard UK single patress rear box 32mm + depth
External power supply via AS180 or via most Anytronics DMX dimmers, drivers and interfaces