These are four or eight-zone mono mixers with clear and simple controls, intended for commercial audio installations in leisure venues, hotels and sports-centres, where selective paging and a choice of different background sources is needed. Other applications may include background music systems in restaurants and bars. On the front panel there is a vertical strip of controls for each zone output; microphone 1 level, microphone 2 level, music source selector switch and music level. Thus a three channel mix is available for each zone.
Two stereo unbalanced line level inputs are available via RCA (phono) sockets and four stereo balanced line level inputs via 'Euroblock' connectors. Gain controls are available for each input. These 'music' input pairs are summed individually to mono. There are also three balanced microphone inputs, all three with +15V phantom power available: Two have pre-set gain and level controls on the front panel, whilst the third is a dedicated paging-microphone input with pre-set level on the front panel, with zone-routing facility and full priority. All connections use removable Phoenix-style 'Euroblock' terminal block connectors, unless specified otherwise.
There are either four (Z4 MK4) or eight (Z8 MK4) zone outputs, each with balanced connector and adjacent associated 'music' HF and LF EQ controls on the rear panel, as well as a port for remote control of music level and source using RSL-6 control panels, or music level only using RL-1, which are connected using screened single-pair cable, and fit standard, UK, single-gang back-boxes. In each case an adjacent switch allocates control of music signals to either the remote or local front-panel and a pre-set control adjusts the level of the paging microphone in the zone. In addition, a facility port connection on Cat5 RJ45, allows loop-in/loop-out configuration of up to two LM2 remote plates to each zone, offering an additional mic or line input and a secondary means to control music source input and level for that zone.
All the microphone signals have priority over the 'music' source selected. The paging microphone input has vox priority over the other two microphones. Paging microphone zone access is controlled by the grounding contacts provided, there is a connector for remote music mute, and the facility to allow the signal on line input 6 to have priority over the selected music source.
Line inputs: Level; -12dBu to +8dBu, impedance; 47kohm, noise; -90dB, RMS, at 0dB gain.
Microphone inputs: Gain; 10-50dB, impedance; greater than 2kohm, noise; -120dB EIN.
Zone outputs: Level; 0dB, minimum load impedance; 600 ohms, maximum output; +20dBu.
Power supply: 85V–253V AC, 47-63Hz.
Dimensions: 3U rack-mounting x 160mm depth (plus connections)
Weight: Z4 MK4; 3.83kg, Z8 MK4; 4.4kg.